Every journey into parenthood is different…
The Joey Journey is about supporting you through your journey with your Joey, offering classes through pregnancy to prepare you for birth and post natal classes to give you time to bond with your baby once they have arrived.

Making you feel positive
With hypnobirthing relaxation techniques and practical antenatal information we will help prepare you for birth. Giving you answers to all your questions, helping you to have the right birth for you.

Your Journey
Enjoy the experience
The Joey Journey hold group classes which is a great to meet other mums, or private sessions we tailor to you. Every couple will be treated as individuals, respecting your beliefs and choices.

Calm Births
Putting you in control
The Joey Journey teaches the Calm Births Hypnobirthing course which is about giving you the tools to understand your own body and the choices you have available.

Hi! I’m Isla
I’m a mother of two and I have had really positive birthing experiences with both my children through the help of hypnobirthing. I want to help other women feel empowered through this special time; pregnancy and birth should be an exciting, positive experience.
Calm Births Accredited
The Course
The course consists of 4 classes approximately 2 hours each.
Below is short overview of what will be taught in each session.

Class 1
• Understanding how hypnotherapy will help
• Learning to relax
• Changing the perception of giving birth
• Introduction to birth and understanding YOUR body
Class 2
• How to prepare you body for birth
• Breathing techniques
• Bonding with baby
• Discuss hospital bags
Class 3
• How to get into labour
• Breathing techniques
• Relaxation techniques
Class 4
• Discussing YOUR choices
• The post natal period
Private Sessions: £400.00
Group Classes: £250.00
Please contact me for group classes near you
Every couple will also receive:
• Client handbook for reference after the course
• Hypnobirthing MP3s
• Affirmation cards
• Useful booklets / recipes / hospital bag checklist
• Discount for any other Joey Journey classes

“A Happy Mummy is a Happy Baby”
Studies have shown that babies learn whilst still in the womb, receiving messages from their mother that prepare them for the world they are about to be born into. Therefore hypnobirthing helps relay calm positive messages to your baby letting them know they too can be relaxed.
Feeling calm and excited about meeting your baby is not only the experience you deserve but also suggests it will give your baby the healthiest start.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I start classes?
It is best to attend hypnobirthing classes between 20 and 32 weeks of pregnancy, however if you are further along in your pregnancy, please do contact me if you are looking for an intense course.
Does Hypnobirthing work?
Some people think of hyopnotherapy as something spiritual, or where they loose control of their mind. This is not the case. The techniques used leave you feeling more confident and in control, and the antenatal information is Midwife accredited, therefore based on facts.
There is increasing evidence to show that the use of hypnobirthing has many physical and psychological benefits, before, during and after birth. These include: Less premature births, less inductions, less assisted births including caesarean sections. Decreased pain in labour- therefore less medication intervention to reduce pain, shorter labour time, and fewer episiotomies. Many hypnobirthing women feel they had the right birth on the day and many are happy with the birth they had and do not question any of decisions they made.
Is hypnobirthing suitable for me?
Yes! Hypnobirthing is suitable for anyone wanting to feel calm and in control of their own birth. First time mums and subsequent pregnancies welcome, sometimes negative experiences from a previous birth will make you more anxious for this one. Hypnobirthing will help you make sense of your emotions and help make this pregnancy a more positive experience.
Should I bring my partner?
Yes! Your birthing partner is really important, they will be able to learn with you understanding the birth you want to achieve. This means they will be more equipped to support you during your labour and birth.
There is also evidence to suggest the process of the hypnothereapy course also makes partners feel included, and informed as to what choices the mother will want them to make on the day. Overall partners feeling involved and as though have a purpose, helps them achieve a strong bond with their new baby.
Contact Me
Ask a question or book an appointment below.